The Ultimate Guide to Upholstery Cleaning with Timber Flooring

timber floor sanding and polishing como

Having timber flooring in your house is an excellent investment. However, it requires proper care and maintenance, especially when it comes to cleaning upholstery. Upholstery, whether a couch or a chair, tends to accumulate dust, dirt, and oil over time, and it’s essential to clean them regularly to keep your home clean and hygienic. In this blog post, we will give you some tips to help you clean your upholstery with timber flooring and polishing in Como, so you can maintain a healthy and inviting living space for you and your guests.

Clean your upholstery regularly

The first step in keeping your upholstery clean is to vacuum it regularly. While vacuuming, ensure to use the upholstery attachment to remove any crumbs or debris from the surface. Make sure to get into the joints, seams, and crevices where dust, dirt, and pet hair accumulate.

Choose the right cleaning products for your timber floor

Before applying any cleaning solution to your upholstery, you should check if it is suitable for use on timber flooring. Some cleaning sprays contain chemicals that can damage timber floors, so be sure to read the labels carefully. You can also use natural cleaning agents like vinegar and baking soda to clean your upholstery and maintain the texture and clarity of your timber floor.

Blot spills immediately

As soon as there’s a spill or stain on your upholstery, it’s crucial to blot the area immediately. Use a clean white cloth and press down lightly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Do not rub or scrub the area as this can spread the stain deeper into the fibre and damage the timber flooring.

Seek professional cleaning services

If your upholstery is stained or soiled and you’re unsure how to clean it, it’s best to call in a professional cleaning service. Experienced professionals have the proper tools, equipment, and cleaning solutions to remove even the toughest stains without causing any damage to your timber floor. Additionally, professional cleaning services will ensure the job is done thoroughly to prevent any future damage.

Use upholstery protectants

Using upholstery protectants can keep your furniture looking clean, hygienic, and new for longer. Applying a protectant after cleaning will create a barrier that resists unwanted stains and moisture. You can purchase a reliable protectant in the form of spray or foam from a store near you.

Conclusion: Upholstery cleaning in Cecil Hills with timber flooring is a challenging task. It requires proper care and maintenance to ensure that your investment lasts long. By vacuuming your upholstery regularly, choosing the right cleaning products, blotting spills immediately, seeking professional cleaning services, and using protectants, you can maintain a healthy and inviting living space. Don’t hesitate to call in professional cleaning services or reach for the right cleaning products to maintain the impeccable condition of your upholstery and timber floor.